Organic School Gardens

Organic School Gardens Programme

The Organic School Gardens project was launched in 2011 after successfully applying for the Swiss contribution. At the end of the project, in mid-2012, the project was transformed into the Organic School Gardens Programme, with a rich set of activities to support schools and kindergartens in the design, development and educational use of the organic school garden. So far, more than 400 schools, kindergartens and institutes have participated in the programme.

The program offers professional and informational support to schools, kindergartens, boarding schools and institutes in Slovenia, who establish or nurture their organic school garden. It comprises a rich set of activities in which all members of the Organic School Garden Network can participate.

The aims of the Organic School Gardens Programme are:

  • to encourage the establishment of organic school gardens throughout Slovenia and their inclusion in the education and upbringing of children,
  • creating an active network of organic school gardens, which enables the exchange of experience and good practices,
  • learning about organic production,
  • learning about the integral quality of organic foods, which includes nutritional value, as well as environmental and social aspects.

Why do we need organic school gardens?

Nowadays children spend a lot of their time in front of computers and smartphones, while having less and less direct contact with nature, as well as growing of food. The programme helps them get closer to nature, to learn to cooperate with one another and to acquire the awareness and respect for the work needed to grow food from the seed. They also learn how to grow food in an organic way, that shows respect to nature and the environment.

For more information visit the Organic School Garden website:

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